Dry Needling Ireland ensures that you learn the safest techniques to efficiently and confidently carry out successful dry needling treatments.
Done incorrectly, dry needling can be very dangerous, even leading to serious harm or permanent injury if you’re not careful, and we never want to go down that road of damaging your reputation or even worse, legal action against you.
So to ensure that you continue to treat safely and successfully into your career Dry Needling Ireland gives instant FREE membership to those that complete the course, where you will have FREE access to video tutorials of all the techniques you learn on the course.
See what past students have said about the course on Google
Our comprehensive 3 day (21 CPD hours) courses cover basic to advanced needling techniques from head to toe and are approved by insurers.
Our educational program will prepare health care practitioners to treat patients with myofascial trigger points using dry needling.
With more techniques and anatomical sites covered than traditional 2-day dry needling courses, (over 50 MUSCLES in level 1), you’ll be able to treat patients immediately and with confidence the very next day after you’ve completed the course. Also, you get FREE lifetime membership to the DNI website with access to video tutorials of the techniques you learned on the course.
Dry needling is western medicine and is evidence based, having been researched and sceintfilcally proven to help treat musculoskeletal dysfunction. All techniques on the courses are purely dry needling techniques that have been proven to be effective.
Director of DNI, Richard talking about Dry Needling on The Elaine Show, on Virgin Media.
Check Out Our Next Upcoming Courses
Membership includes: Video Tutorials!
Free Access to video tutorials of all techniques used on both Level 1 & Level 2.
This can be extremely helpful when you want a refresh on any techniques you may have forgotten or are unsure about.
This is also so much better than watching YouTube videos where you’re not sure of the safety of the technique or the authority of the person doing the video.
With the Dry Needling Ireland videos you can log in and view the exact technique you learned in class on the course you attended.
Access to the discussion forum.
This gives you the chance to talk to fellow dry needling practitioners that have done the course or that you studied with, on any topics or concerns/questions you might have, or indeed share information on success stories of successful treatments with dry needling that may help fellow practitioners that have patients suffering from similar complaints.

There is no minimum or previous experience with dry needling required. This course is suited for all qualified health care practitioners with a knowledge of anatomy and sports & recreational injuries. If you are unsure, please check with your insurer and/or governing body/professional organisation if dry needling is within your scope of practice.
Doctors, Nurses, Physiotherapists, Physical Therapists, Osteopaths, Chiropractors, Sports Therapists, Manual Therapists, Massage therapists, etc.